Una vita dedicata al gusto che oggi potrete assaporare in ogni portata del suo menù; tante squisite ricette di estrazione mediterranea e internazionale.
Fried Eggplants cooked in the oven with tomato and mozzarella cheese
allergeni: 7, 9
Toasted tuscan bread with chicken liver
allergeni: 1, 9
Fried baby calamari
allergeni: 1, 14
Steamed prawns and calamari with tomato sauce and toasted bread
allergeni: 1, 2, 9, 14
Anchoas from Cantabrico sea with toasted bread and butter
allergeni: 1, 4, 7
Crispy octopus with potatoes cream
allergeni: 7, 14
“Burrata” from Andria with air dried tomatoes
allergeni: 7
Chikpeas cream with Prawns
allergeni: 2, 9
Mozzarella skewer with anchovies sauce
allergeni: 1, 3, 7
Hand sliced Tuscan “ Prosciutto”
Mixed Tuscan Cold Cuts and cheeses
allergeni: 1, 7
Raw artchokes salad with white sellery, emmenthal cheese and parmisan flakes
allergeni: 7, 9
“Puntarelle” salad with olive oil , vinegar and anchovies
allergeni: 4
Spaghetti from Gragnano with fresh clam s and “bottarga”
allergeni: 1, 14
Rice with butter, parmesan cheese and suffron sauce
allergeni: 7, 9
Homemade pasta stuffed with spinach and ricotta cheese with cream and suffron sauce
allergeni: 1, 3, 7
Classic Pasta and beans
allergeni: 1, 9
Risotto with p rawns and fresh artichokes
allergeni: 2, 9, 12
“P enne” with “Ragù” and fresh artichokes
allergeni: 1, 7, 9, 12
Meat stuffed “ Tortellini” with “ ragù”
allergeni: 1, 3, 9
Meat stuffed “ Tortellini” with “ ragù”
allergeni: 1, 3, 9, 12
“Linguine” with baby calamari, fresh tomato and spicy “peperoncino”
allergeni: 1, 14
Black cabbage soup wit h toasted bread
allergeni: 1, 9
Chestnut homemade “Gnocchi” with mix cheeses cream
allergeni: 1, 3, 7
Whole wheat “Spaghetti” with tomato sauce and Basil
allergeni: 1, 7, 9
Homemade “ravioli” stuffed with croaker fish with pr a wns and lemon
allergeni: 1, 2, 3, 4
Grilled Sward fish with “Zucchine alla Scapece”
allergeni: 4
Grilled sole with fresh grilled vegetables
allergeni: 4
Turbo fish fillet with tomato sauce, capers and olives
allergeni: 4, 9
Oven cooked seabass with potato crust
allergeni: 1, 4, 7
Calamari and prawns fried with fried mixed vegetabels
allergeni: 1, 2, 14
Crispy fried chicken fillet with potato chips
allergeni: 1, 3, 6
Grilled Tuscan T- Bone steak with roasted potatoes and grilled vegetables
Chopped oven cooked boar with “polenta”
allergeni: 9
Seared beef fillet mignon with fresh artichokes
Pork “ Cotechino” with stewed lentils and mashed potatoes
allergeni: 7, 9
Chopped seared beef fillet with rucola salad and parmesan cheese
allergeni: 7
Pounded seared beef steak with olive oil, garlic and spicy peperoncino
allergeni: 1
S liced beef fillet mignon with olive oil “Bernese” sauce
Crispy Baby chicken with roasted potatoes
Veal “Scaloppine” seared with Lemon or Marsala wine
allergeni: 1, 12
Veal “ Scaloppine” seared with fresh artichokes
allergeni: 1, 12
Beef “Carpaccio” with “Grana” cheese and Rucola salad served with oil, lemon and Mustard dressing
allergeni: 3, 4, 9, 12
Beef “Carpaccio” with “Grana” cheese and fresh artichokes with oil, lemon and Mustard dressing
allergeni: 3, 4, 9, 12
Seared Veal Kidney with b utter and sage rice
allergeni: 7, 12
Breaded and fried Veal Milanese “Cotoletta”
allergeni: 1, 7
Raw beef tartare
allergeni: 1, 3, 4, 10, 12
allergeni: 1, 7, 9
Grilled vegetables
Tuscan white beans with olive oil, salt and black pepper
Stewed Lentils
Stewed Lentils
allergeni: 7
Roasted potatoes
Sea red fresh artichokes
allergeni: 4
Mixed salad
“ Cime di rapa” seared with olive o il, garlic and spicy peperoncino
Traditional Homemade Tiramisù
allergeni: 1, 3, 7
Mix of fresh barries
Lemon sorbet with vodka
allergeni: 3, 7
Iced “torroncino” mousse with crumbled coffee
allergeni: 3, 7
Dark Chocolate soufflè
allergeni: 3
Ice cream : choice of chocolate, vanilla, lemon
allergeni: 3
Creme Caramel with “amaretti di saronno” cookies
Seasonal oven cooked fruit
Allergeni e derivati :
1 glutine, 2 crostacei, 3 uova, 4 pesce, 5 arachidi, 6 soia, 7 latte, 8 frutta a guscio, 9 sedano, 10 senape 11 semi
di sesamo, 12 anidride solforosa e solfiti, 13 lupino, 14 molluschi
*il prodotto potrebbe essere congelato